The Essential Reading List: Unlocking Management’s Transformative Power

Welcome to Intact Academy, your hub for unlocking the full potential of individuals, teams, and organizations. Our comprehensive EMCC senior coach level training programs are designed to empower leaders, coaches, and consultants with the knowledge and skills to drive transformative change. As part of our commitment to fostering continuous growth and professional development, we are delighted to present a curated list of books authored by the owner of this website, encompassing the dynamic realm of management.

These carefully crafted literary works embody years of practical experience, research, and insights gained from the forefront of the management field. Each book offers a unique perspective on the intricacies of organizational dynamics, honing in on key principles, techniques, and strategies that have the power to catalyze profound shifts. With an emphasis on practical application, these books serve as invaluable resources, equipping readers with the tools they need to thrive in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape.

Allow us to present a glimpse of some notable titles from the collection:

  1. New Theory and Practice of Transactional Analysis in Organizations” – In this groundbreaking exploration, the author delves into the application of transactional analysis in a corporate context. Discover how this powerful psychological framework can enhance communication, resolve conflicts, and foster healthy relationships within teams and across organizational hierarchies.
  2. Management Development” – Drawing upon extensive expertise, this book provides a comprehensive guide to developing effective managers. Explore the essential competencies, leadership styles, and developmental pathways required to cultivate exceptional managerial talent, ensuring sustainable success for individuals and organizations alike.
  3. Keeping the TA-O Torch Alight” – Uncover the secrets to sustaining the transformative power of Transactional Analysis Organizational (TA-O) interventions. Through compelling case studies and practical insights, this book illuminates how to nurture and perpetuate positive change, creating a culture that embraces growth, resilience, and innovation.

These captivating books encapsulate the essence of the owner’s thought leadership and serve as a testament to their dedication to empowering individuals and revolutionizing the way organizations operate. Whether you are a seasoned professional or an aspiring leader, this carefully curated selection will undoubtedly enrich your understanding of management principles and inspire you to embark on a journey of continuous learning and growth.

Prepare to embark on an intellectual adventure as you dive into these insightful volumes. Each book holds the power to expand your horizons, challenge conventional wisdom, and equip you with the tools to drive transformative change within yourself and your sphere of influence. At Intact Academy, we believe that knowledge is the catalyst for growth, and we are thrilled to share these exceptional resources with you.

New Theory and Practice of Transactional Analysis in Organizations

New Theory and Practice of Transactional Analysis in Organizations

On the Edge

Edited by Sari van Poelje and Anne de Graaf

Copyright 2022

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Leren voor leiderschap

Leren voor leiderschap

Een nieuwe kijk op managementontwikkeling

Author: Ester de Kleer, Sari van Poelje and Petra van den Berg

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Management Development

De praktijk ter discussie

Author: R.W.J.M. Appels
Editor: Dr. P. Paffen

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Leerboek Personeelsmanagement

Open Universiteit

Author: J. Ardts and F. Kluytmans

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Klimaatverandering in organisaties

Klimaatverandering in organisaties

Leiderschap maakt het verschil

Author: Anne de Groot and Joost Levy

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tipje van de sluier

Tipje van de sluier

Author: Sari van Poelje, Tin Vanderhoeven and Marielle Frumeau

Felelősség és siker

A tranzakcióanalízis mint döntésmenedzselés

Author: Járó Katalin

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Coaching alapok és irányzatok

Coaching alapok és irányzatok

Author: Kelló Éva

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Emancipatie aan het werk

Emancipatie aan het werk

De positie van vrouwen in arbeidsorganisaties

Author: Margaret Weggelaar, Christel van Eijnatten, Els van Schie, Herman Steensma and Willem Trommel

Keeping the TA-O torch alight

Keeping the TA-O torch alight

Berne after reading

Author: Sari van Poelje

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Magazine for Coaching

Author: Sari van Poelje

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Transakciona analiza u organizacijama

Transakciona analiza u organizacijama

Tajne uspesnih organizacija i lidera

Author: Sari van Poelje

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tijdschrift voor management development

Tijdschrift voor Management Development

Cruciale leermomenten

Transactional Analysis in Organizations

Transactional Analysis in Organizations

ITAA International Transactional Analysis Association

Author: Sari van Poelje and Thomas Steinert

Vivere e pensare le organizzazioni

Vivere e pensare le organizzazioni

Una Ricerca Possibile

Author: A. Rotondò

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Published On: June 16th, 2023By
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